Prepare for the adventure of a lifetime

Horse Camp for Urban Foster Girls
Calvary Horse Camp is a non-profit organization created to serve others with the love of Christ. Calvary Horse Camp was founded with the goal of providing a place for urban foster girls age 10-13 to feel safe and have fun while learning to ride and care for horses. We believe that God designed horses and girls to connect, and we hope to give our students a chance to do so with their horse during a five-day horse camp. We hope that through bonding with their horses and with other campers and staff, the girls will feel safe, happy, and encouraged. It is our mission to bring kids to Christ, give them a chance to do something that they otherwise may have never been able to do, and ultimately to change lives for the better.
CAMP DATES FOR 2024: July 8-12!
"You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden."
Mathew 5:14


Quiet Time with God
A time in which the girls can read their bibles, journal, pray, and discuss devotional lessons with each other to start the day off right before riding lessons.

Riding Lessons
Basic Safety and Walk Trot
Starting with simple ground safety around the horse and then moving to walk/trot classes in the arena, the girls will get a good base upon which to build their horsemanship skills. Safety helmets will be provided and are required in all riding classes.

“People want to see Christ followers who have scars where they have wounds.” – Steve Saint
We are excited to welcome back Kay Slippy as the guest speaker for another year of camp! Because of her personal history, her love for Jesus, as well as a lifetime of involvement with foster kids, Kay is uniquely prepared to empathize, teach, and inspire.

Small Groups
Sharing and Supporting
During Small Group Time the girls have a chance to talk about the speaker they heard, have a snack, and play a leadership building game with their group leaders.

Recreational Time
Just Taking a Break
The girls have an opportunity to play games which are directed by our games director and teen staff. These games include frisbee, slip'n'slide, water fights, and so on!

Story Time
True Stories Inspire
During Story Time, Camp Mom reads a hand-picked Lamplighter book. Once during quiet time and once before bed.

Just for the Fun of It
The playday will be on the last day of camp. The girls and leaders will play games on foot and horseback as a fun way of ending the week.

Grant County Fairgrounds
Indoor & Outdoor Arenas
Most camp activities will take place at the Grant County Fairgrounds in beautiful John Day, Oregon. Horses will be boarded in corrals at this location and lessons will take place in the indoor and outdoor arenas. The playday will take place here the last day of camp. The fairgrounds has large grass areas for frisbee and shaded areas small group time. It also borders the John Day River and is a short walk to the Cornerstone Christian Church where lodging and meals will be provided.

The Horses
Safety First
Each girl will be assigned her own horse for the week to feed, water, ride, and care for. All horses used in the camp are beginner-safe and loaned to the camp from generous local ranchers and residents. Safety of both girls and their horses is our top priority. Not only will all girls be required to wear approved riding helmets, but they will also have to agree to a code of conduct designed to minimize risk of an accident. Careful supervision will be provided anytime the girls interact with their horses.

Rest & Refreshment
Headquarters for the camp will be at Cornerstone Christian Fellowship at 139 NE Dayton St,  John Day, Oregon -- within walking distance of the fairgrounds where the horse activities will take place. This is a residential camp, so sleeping and meals will take place at the church building as will devotions, storytime, and other activities.  Camper dropoff and pickup will also be at this location. Campers should bring a sleeping bag and pillow and let camp staff know ahead of time if dietary restrictions need to be accommodated.

We at Double J Ministries have assembled an all-female staff for Calvary Horse Camp's frontline staff. Our main activity and group leading staff consists of teenage, female volunteers who are on fire for the Lord. This staff format is inspired by two impactful leadership camps -- TeenPact Leadership Schools and Worldview Academy. Both of these camps are staffed by teenagers who are strong in their Christian faith and well-equipped with relationship-building and leadership skills. It is our dream to assemble a similar team of staffers for every year of Calvary Horse Camp.
While the teen staff will be building relationships with campers and leading all camp activities, there will also be a team of adult women chaperones who will be with the girls and teen staffers at all times. Additional women volunteers include a camp nurse, photographer, games director, cooks, and wranglers (our horse expert staff) for the riding lessons.

Volunteer Your Time
Or Loan Us a Horse, Saddle, or Helmet!
We are in need of experienced horsewomen to volunteer during the morning horseback lessons each day of camp from 8:30 AM to noon.
We need to borrow kid-safe horses, safety helmets, and saddles that would fit 10-13 year olds. Horses will be stabled individually, all horse activities will be heavily supervised, and liability insurance is in place. All horse classes will take place in the arenas at the Grant County Fairgrounds.
We deem the horse section of camp essential for these girls and having the right horses and tack that fits the girls is key to making the horse section enjoyable.
Donate funds
This camp is entirely funded by donations as we do not even ask the students or their families to pay for camp (lodging, food, or activities). Instead, we cover the entire cost of facilities, food, transportation, and supplies ourselves. However, this is not possible without financial support from our community and those who believe in our cause! So please, if you feel led and are able, every little bit helps!

If you have any questions or would like to apply to attend, please feel free to send us a message and a staff member will reach out as soon as possible!